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Nicolas Speisser works as a road traffic engineer at Cerema in Metz, France. His work over the past 10 years can be summarized as covering the following subjects : public transport, road safety on signalized intersections, signal timing, urban design, public transport preemption and microscopic traffic flow simulation.


  • June 05: Bus Network Planning in our cities today

    Single bus lanes : international working group and technical recommendations

    It is possible to improve the efficiency of a bus line without having to create a dedicated bus lane for both directions. The streets are not always wide enough to create a bus lane for each direction, but it can be wide enough for a single bus lane. There are several management options for these innovative single bus lanes : management by visual control, management by traffic lights, direction changing according to the time of the day, direction alternated in space, dynamic single bus lane called “Contra-Flow”. As little is written about single bus lanes, an international working group was set up to collectively exchange feedback from each network, with the aim of developing technical recommendations. The speech would focus on explaining the approach, the advantages of innovative single bus lanes, the various examples that have been studied, and to present a first assessment of the capitalization in progress.