I am a behavioral scientist within the public transport sector, with a master’s degree from Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne and Université Paris VII Descartes.
I work for FAIRTIQ, an app aiming to provide the easiest access to public transport via check-in check-out ticketing. My work focuses on understanding and influencing customer behavior towards sustainable mobility via the new technical possibilities this apps brings. In this role, I am leading a team of product owners and marketing-oriented people to increase user value and ridership.
June 06: Ticketing and payment technology as a MaaS enabler
How Automated Postpaid Ticketing facilitates fare policy innovation and helps bring back customers
Three years have passed since COVID disrupted day-to-day life. Since then, public transportation providers and customers are not moving in the same direction. Customers are embracing the new normal, working from home and many have chosen to cancel their period passes. Providers are still recovering from the biggest drop in ridership and revenues ever. Together with inflation, supply chain issues and calls to decarbonise fleets has pushed the need for more predictability and revenues. FAIRTIQ as provider of postpaid ticketing has implemented a wide range of attempts to bridge this growing gap in needs via innovative fare mechanisms, including fare cappings, public transport credits, bonuses, cashback mechanisms and more. We will share analyses and experiences in how successful these were at reconciling the needs of both providers and customers and what we would love to see in the future.