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Bachelor of Telecommunication Engineering at Universidad Politecnica Madrid.

Senior Manager with 20 years of experience in Transportation. Applied strategic management skills to plan and organize workflow and direct, coach and discipline design team.
Strong background in Open Loop and Close Loop Automatic Fare Collection and Revenue Management.

Currently, David is Product Manager for sale equipment of Automatic Fare Collection at Indra to design AFC products worldwide.


  • June 07: Improving the passenger experience with smart ticketing and payment

    PayGo. Open payments in transit ecosystems involving multiple operators

    Along the last few years, contactless EMV-based open payment has become a key feature to improve the customer experience when accessing transit services, a real driver to attract new riders to the public transportation, and a way to reduce fare media logistics and cash-handling costs for the sake of business sustainability. This paper describes such scenarios and how they can be addressed, keeping seamless services to improve the customer experience while taking care of the income apportionment between transit operators and/or other stakeholders.