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Francesc Buyolo is an industrial engineer, that has been involved in automotive industry for more than 20 years, developing his career in R&D, aftersales and specifically working in electric mobility the last 15 years. He is member of spanish FISITA association (S.T.A.) and industrial expert. Additionally, he has also developed his last years of career at Moventia as construction and infrastructures manager, leading the design and construction of several car dealerships and bus depots, including the charging infrastructure of many of them. Finally, he has extended experience in renewable energy facilities and facility management and operations.


  • June 06: The modernisation of depot design and operations

    Real case of execution of charging infrastructure in Moventis Depot

    The presentation will start with a short introduction about some general figures about electric mobility and its impact and needs. Following, it will be shown the phases to be taken into account to design and execute a charging infrastructure in a depot, from the definition of requirements until legalizations and start-up of the charging infrastructure. Finally, we’ll see a real case of execution of a charging infrastructure in Moventis Depot (Sabadell).