A graduate of Sciences Po Paris with a master’s degree in urban geography, he participated in the planning of the Shanghai World Expo in 2010 and coordinated the information report by Senator Jean-Pierre Sueur “Cities of the future, future of cities” published in 2011. At the Société du Grand Paris, he piloted in 2014 the implementation of the architectural and cultural program of the Grand Paris Express stations. In 2017, he created the Grand Paris Express Endowment Fund, chaired by Rémi Babinet, which aims to bring together private patrons around the project. Today, he heads the department in charge of architecture, culture, development, foresight and commerce, He is also a director of the Maison de l’Architecture en Ile-de-France and a member of the design and culture commission of the International Union of Public Transport.
June 07: Universal Accessibility: Creating a seamless network for all
Grand Paris Express : designing a 100% accessible new network