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Stand: 7H270

L’Associació de municipis per la Mobilitat i el Transport Urbà (AMTU) is an association of municipalities of Catalan national scope, which works to improve mobility and public transport infrastructures throughout Catalonia.

The AMTU provides technical, legal and administrative support to its members in matters of mobility, infrastructure and public transport, and services such as transport on demand, public transport management, proposals for mobility plans, etc. Also offers training for technicians and politicians, and the defense of their interests at supra-municipal level.

In addition, the AMTU wants to represent the joint voice of all Catalan municipalities and is therefore open to all municipalities and municipal entities that voluntarily decide to be part of it.

Product description

Flexitransport Catalunya is the platform that the AMTU has developed to take a step forward in transport on demand and evolve towards flexible transport, that is, transport more adapted to the real needs of citizens, in which reservations can be do shortly before service time, and where routes are configured in real time. This means a big advance compared to traditional on-demand transport services, as the user no longer has to wait for preset times or established stops, thanks to flexible transport being part of what is known as “Mobility as a Service”.