AMB – Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
The Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) is a public administration comprising a territory of 36 municipalities, 3.3 million inhabitants and 636 km2.
The AMB has powers on territory, transport, mobility, ecology, housing, economic development and social cohesion.
It is in charge of the metro, bus and tourist bus services, and coordinates the taxi service. It also promotes sustainable mobility such as P+R facilities, EV charging network, Bicivia (bike lanes network), AMBici (bike sharing service), Bicibox (safe parking lots for bikes) or the LEZ of the metropolis of Barcelona.
In 2022, 271 million bus trips were served: 178 million by TMB (AMB’s public operator) and 93 million by the rest of the private operators; Bicibox had almost 20,000 users; and Bicivia reached more than 330 km lanes in service.
Product description
Visitors can discover the main actions undertaken to set up the new metropolitan mobility at the AMB’s stand:
• Metropolitan bus: increase of Exprés and Metrobús services, renewal of public transport fleet for a more sustainable model and improvement of user experience with more comfortable, accessible and sustainable new shelters which offer more visibility and security.
• Deployment of low emissions zones in the metropolis of Barcelona to reduce the use of polluting private vehicles.
• Implementing digitization of the information system to improve public transport services, such as Picmi Taxi, the digital raising hand service for requesting a taxi.
• Promotion of active mobility and cycling with the implementation AMBici, the new bike sharing public service.