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Kenzo Fujita is engineer and currently the Assistant Manager at Mobility Service HQs of East Japan Railway Company (JR East) with the responsibility for innovating the transportation system in the Tokyo metropolitan area such as promotion of automated driving and expansion of driver-only operation. He started his career at JR East in 2008 and has mainly worked for rolling stock maintenance field. Before he took the current position, he was seconded to UIC Passenger Department and was responsible for High-speed and statistics.


  • June 05: Automation in trams and trains: Optimising capacity and operations

    JR EAST ATO Projects

    JR East aims to innovate the transportation system in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Demand for railway passengers is declining due to depopulation and change of working styles. In order to overcome this situation, JR East aims to provide on-demand mobility services according to passenger demand and run an efficient and sustainable railway business. JR East has conducted two ATO demonstration tests recently. One is the development of high-performance ATO for the Yamanote Line, a loop line in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, and the other is the test aimed at unmanned operation of High Speed train, “Shinkansen” in the section between a terminal station and its nearby maintenance depot. I will present the outlines and the latest progress of these ATO projects and will share our findings and challenges for the future.