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Jerome is responsible for leading Spare’s data team, and designing Spare’s transit planning tools. He has over a decade of experience in business, academia and policy, having worked as a postdoctoral researcher, as a sustainability consultant and as a scientific advisor for the UK Parliament.


  • June 06: Inclusion and equality: The drivers for developing new mobility services

    Demand-responsive transit: A step forward for transportation equity

    Demand-responsive transportation (DRT) such as microtransit can deliver significant improvements in accessibility in a variety of urban contexts, and those improvements accrue to communities traditionally underserved by mass transit. I will show how transportation agencies can make best use of travel surveys to ensure that their equity goals are clearly articulated, understood, and measured. Then, I will present results that blend mass digitized survey data with reliable trip behaviour data. Finally, I will showcase how Spare's innovative software can help to spread the benefits of microtransit even further across underserved communities.