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Red de Consorcios de Transporte de Andalucía

Stand: 7G230

The Andalusian Metropolitan Transport Consortia Network (RCTAN) is made up of the Transport Consortia of the 9 large urban agglomerations of Andalusia: Seville, Malaga, Granada, Bahía de Cádiz, Campo de Gibraltar, Huelva, Almeria, Cordoba and Jaen.

211 municipalities, 449 bus lines, 4 metro lines, 2 boat lines, 15,000 km of network, 761 metropolitan buses and 4 boats.

They bring together more than 5 million inhabitants and almost 70% of the GDP is generated in their territory.

The RCTAN are public law authorities of an associative nature, attached to the Public Administration of Andalusia, focusing on achieving fare integration of all modes of transport operating in the territorial scope of the consortium entities, improving intermodality.

Its transport card is a unique case in Europe in non-uniprovincial regions.

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