Florian Pellet has a 8-year background in business development for SaaS companies in the mobility industrie. He loves starting projects from scratch with a problem solving approach. He has launched and developed new digital activities throughout my career, and the societal impact of my actions has always been something I particularly value. He joined CITiO in early 2020 and have participated ever since in our commercial successes in France and Europe.
June 05: Data driven approaches for efficient planning and monitoring of public transport operations
How can data make mobility more sustainable and build more liveable cities?
We are deeply convinced that there is still untapped potential in data analysis in transportation, and that without data, there will be no sustainable mobility policy. The digital revolution has happened, but our organizations are struggling to keep up. I want to let them know that with the right support, they can (and they should) use data easily and in a meaningful way for the benefit of all: local authorities, operators, and most importantly citizens! Mobility for all will become an increasingly critical issue in the coming years for cities and regions, so it is important to address this challenge now.