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Nikolaos Martzoukos is Product Manager/Product Owner in AMCO SA for almost 3 years. His past experience was in Unify for 4.5 years as Product Manager/Product Owner, Cloud & Social Product Management and Siemens for 12 years as Software Engineer and Software Development Manager.
He studied in the University of Newcastle, the Manchester University and he is an Executive MBA holder from University of Pireeus.


  • June 06: Ticketing and payment technology as a MaaS enabler

    Integrating city and intercity public transport with micromobility

    AMCO has delivered its solution to 33 city PTOs and 40 InterCity PTOs within Greece, while it is expanding its platform to the micro mobility space, starting off with bike sharing, as as to cover the needs of 50 municipalities. The adoption of a common solution by operators within the country has bought up endless opportunities for synergies and as a result the commuters how enjoy a truly integrated experience.