Petra Juránková, Project Manager at OLTIS Group. During master’s and Ph.D education, she developed professional knowledge in the fields of transport, logistics and technologies of automatic identification. Since 2016, she has been working in OLTIS Group as Project coordinator and later as Project Manager. She participates/has participated to S2R IP4 projects (IT2Rail, GoF4R, SPRINT, Shift2MaaS, Ride2Rail and IP4MaaS) with multiple roles e.g., as demo site leader or WP leader. As part of further involvement, she is primarily interested in the areas of smart cities or ticketing in the transport sector.
June 07: E-Poster Session 5
Ride2Rail: delivering shared travel as part of the rail experience & Proof of Shift2Rail IP4 concept scalability by IP4MaaS demonstrations
June 05: E-Poster Session 2
Ride2Rail: delivering shared travel as part of the rail experience & Proof of Shift2Rail IP4 concept scalability by IP4MaaS demonstrations